건축가 at Manifesto Architecture | 디자인
뉴욕, 미국
홍익대학교, 미시간 대학 앤아버 (University of Michigan)에서 건축을 전공하였다. 뉴욕의 건축 설계 그룹‘매니페스토 아키텍쳐’(Manifesto Architecture)의 프린시펄인 그가 디자인한 자전거 거치대 ‘바이크 행어(Bike hanger)’프로젝트는 Life at the Speed of Rail Competition, AIANYS 2011 Design Award, Seoul International Design Competition, Stratford Kiosks Design Competition for the 2012 London Olympics, London International Creative Awards, AIANY 2010 Design Award, KAIST ICC Design Competition 등.. 에서 수상을 했으며, Designs of the Year 2012, Design Museum, London Chungdam Art Center, Seoul, LeeRoo Museum, Seoul, Artgate Gallery, New York, NY W4 Station Exhibition, New York, Design Korea KOEX, Seoul, Design Award Exhibition, Atlantic City, Global Young Architects Design Plaza, Seoul, Gwangju Design Biennale 2011, Gwangju 등.. 에서 전시를 하였다.
Jeeyong An is Principal at Manifesto Architecture P.C. Manifesto Architecture is an award-winning, licensed architectural design firm that provides a full range of architecture, planning and interior design services.
당신의 직업을 선택한 배경 및 계기?
예술, 인문, 창작, 디자인과 재료, 구조, 전기, 기계공학이 어우러진 분야여서 좋았습니다.
자신만의 작업방식은?
페러다임 시프트 백 (Paradigm Shift Back)
영감은 어디/무엇에서 받는지?
자신의 주변 + 컨텍스트
창작인으로서 가장 중요하다고 생각하는 것
통찰력과 인내심
창작인으로서의 목표
디자인의 새로운 가능성을 찾고싶습니다.
● 2001 University of Michigan, Taubman College Architecture and Urban Planning, Ann Arbor, Master of Architecture● 1999 Hongik University, College of Architecture, Seoul Bachelor of Science in Architecture
● 2011 Winner, Life at the Speed of Rail Competition, Van Alen institute, New York, US● Citation, AIANYS 2011 Design Award, Unbuilt Category, New York, US
● 2010 Shortlist, Seoul International Design Competition, Korea
● 2010 Finalist, Stratford Kiosks Design Competition for the 2012 London Olympics, London, UK
● 2010 Honorable Mention, London International Creative Awards, London, UK
● Merit Award, AIANY 2010 Design Award, Unbuilt Category, New York, US
● 2010 3rd Place, KAIST ICC Design Competition, Daejeon, Korea
● 2010 2nd Place, Industrial Perforators Association Contest, US
● 2010 Top Selection, 10 Up, Young Architects Forum Atlanta Competition, US
● 2010 Honorable Mention, Dingbat 2.0 Competition, LA Forum, US
● 2009 Award of Distinction, Gondwana Circle Design Competition, US
● Finalist, 2009 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, US
● Honorable Mention, 2008 Burnham Prize, Chicago Architectural Club, Chicago, US
● Bike Hanger- Designs of the Year 2012, Design Museum, London UK. February 2012● Next Design Leader, Chungdam Art Center, Seoul, Korea 2011. December 2011
● RE:Cycle, LeeRoo Museum, Seoul, Korea 2011 and etc. November 2011
● Global Crisis & Design Exhibition, Artgate Gallery, New York, US November 2011
● NY W4 Station Exhibition, New York, US October 2011
● Design Korea, KOEX, Seoul, Korea October 2011
● AIANYS 2011 Design Award Exhibition, Atlantic City, NJ September 2011
● Global Young Architects, Design Plaza, Seoul, Korea October 2011
● Gwangju Design Biennale 2011, Gwangju, Korea September 2011
● Design is Human Week, Modern Atlanta, Atlanta, US June 2011
● Whitehaven Harbour Central Site Exhibition, Whitehaven Harbour, UK December 2010
● Seoul Design Festival 2010 Exhibition, Seoul, Korea September 2010
● Stratford Kiosks Exhibition, Stratford Town Hall, London, UK November 2010
● Dingbat 2.0 Exhibition, LA Forum, Los Angeles, US August 2010
● Young Architects Forum Summer Salon, Knoll Showroom, Atlanta, US June 2010
● AIANY 2010 Design Award Exhibition, Center for Architecture, NY, US April 2010
● FUTURE.city.past>FORWARD Exhibition, d3 Gallery, New York, US March 2010
● Gondwana Circle Design Competition, SF Botanical Garden, US September 2009
● East|West Show, d3 Gallery, New York, US March 2009
● Burnham 2.0 Exhibition, Chicago History Museum, Chicago, US October 2008