
프리랜스 3D 아티스트 | 광고, 애니메이션

뉴욕, 미국

귀범은 중학교 시절부터 프라모델 조립과 전경만들기(디오라마)를 즐겨했으며, 그가 만든 작업들을 8mm로 촬영하고 영상 만드는 걸 즐겨했다. 동의대 컴퓨터공학 학부과정을 졸업한 뒤, 전공을 뒤로 한 채 필투팝스, 아이네임즈에서 웹디자이너로 활동을 하다가 그의 어릴적 꿈을 살리고자 2005년 뉴욕으로 모션 그래픽 공부를 위해 유학길에 나선다. 하지만 모션 그래픽 전공이 없는 관계로, 재빠르게 3D animation으로 전향, 3D Artist의 첫걸음을 School of Visual Arts 의 Computer Art 석사과정에서 시작하게 된다. 졸업작품인 “Matter in a Quiescent State, Prepares Itself to Be Transformed”로 36th Student Academy Award Winners 에서 Alternative 부문 은상, Lakedance International Film Festival, BEST ANIMATED FILM(Winner). Paso Robles Digital Film Festival, Judge Choice(Winner). Naperville Independent Film Festival, BEST EDITING (Winner). GIAA Festival of Short Films and Videos, BEST SPECIAL EFFECTS(Winner). Myrtle Beach International Film Festival, BEST ANIMATION(Winner). California Online Film Festival, Winner for 1st place. 30여 곳의 페스티발에서 official selection/screening을 하게 된다. 그 후 3D Artsit로써, Shilo, Sephora에서 일을 하게 되었으며, 2011년 Juicy Bones Inc.의 팀과 두 개의 Short animation ( (가제: 돼지 삼형제, time traveler) 작업에 참여하게 된다. 그리고 2011년 11월 The Crowded에 합류하게 되어 함께 활동하고 있다.

Kwibum Chung has been making dioramas and scale modeling since he was in middle school and he used to make short films of those stuff with 8mm camcorder. After graduating from Department of Computer Engineering Dong-Eui University, he worked for Feel2pop and I-names as a web designer beyond his majority. He decided to go to study abroad for his faded dream. He began his career as a 3D artist at School of Visual Arts in New York. His final project in MFA Computer art, Matter in a Quiescent State, Prepares Itself to Be Transformed, has been selected and screened about 30 film festival and 36th Student Academy Award (Winner), Lakedance International Film Festival , BEST ANIMATED FILM (Winner). Paso Robles Digital Film Festival, Judge Choice (Winner). Naperville Independent Film Festival, BEST EDITING (Winner). GIAA Festival of Short Films and Videos, BEST SPECIAL EFFECTS (Winner). Myrtle Beach International Film Festival,BEST ANIMATION (Winner) and California Online Film Festival, Winner for 1st place. He worked for Shilo and Sephora as a 3D artist and has been making two short animation with Juicy Bones Inc in 2011 and joined The Crowded in November 2011.

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