아트디렉터 | 광고 디자인 | 뉴욕, 미국
Kyeung sub Yeom graduated from SADI in 2005 and from Parsons in 2007. He was an art director at Ogilvy for 3 years and 6 months from 2007 to 2010. He has served Kodak, Motorola, Minute Maid, Puerto Rico, and Avon. He designed Ogilvy art exhibition posters for about two years. Currently, Kyeung is an art director at AKQA. He mainly works for Google, West Elm, and Calvin Klein to build their sites. He was one of Parsons’ top honors graduates in 2007 and he won several awards, including the 2007 Adobe Award for motion graphics (finalist), the 2007 One Show College Competition Merit Award for TV ads, and the 2007 Siggraph SpaceTime Student Animation Competition (first place). One of his works, The Five Classic Typefaces, was presented at Ogilvy’s New York office as one of the ‘New Language’ exhibition videos from May to August, 2010.
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- Name: Kyeung-Sub Yeom
- Profession: Art Director at AKQA
- Field: Advertising Design
- Location: New York, USA
- Homepage: www.beyondvisual.net/
- Email: bebob101@gmail.com