프로듀서, 뉴욕시립대 방송학과 교수 | 방송
뉴욕, 미국
현재 미국 뉴욕시립대 방송과 교수로 재직중
애플 파이널 컷 프로 7 & X 공인 트레이너
파이널 컷 프로 강사 : CNN, NBC, FOX, Journalism School
브루클린 케이블 뉴스 편집자
NY컨츄리뮤직어워드 프로모션 비디오
뉴욕 한국 영화 페스티벌 TV 광고
뉴욕 시립대 프로모션 비디오
MBC PD 수첩, KBS , SBS 스페셜 뉴욕 Field Producer
파이널 컷 프로 7 집필, 안그라픽스
파이널 컷 프로 X 마스터하기 집필, 안그라픽스
If the video revolution were to rank its soldiers, Young Cheong would be a three-star general. Cheong teaches video postproduction and theory in the Department of Television and Radio, and his classes are always full. It seems everyone these days wants to do a video, long or short, for the rest of the world to see.
A tech practitioner and scholar, who also has an artist’s eye, Cheong has a glowing reputation here in New York and in his native South Korea. Last winter he was a producer on a grand documentary that celebrated the 50th anniversary of that nation’s oldest television company, MBC (Munway Broadcasting Corporation). At the United Nations headquarters, over by the East River, Cheong interviewed U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, learning about recent world events from the perspective of that key figure, who also happens to be the most prominent Korean national living in New York City. Cheong also interviewed Jim Yong Kim, who, when Cheong met with him, was president of Dartmouth College. (Kim, in fact, is the very first Asian American to head an Ivy League college.) Maybe during their time together, Cheong bestowed pixie dust on Kim. This past March, Kim was named by President Barack Obama as the next president of the World Bank, a position he will assume in July. Going beyond world politics and the academy, Cheong got a taste of the high art scene. He spent face and chat time with Ufan Lee, a Korean artist, who had an exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum. Cheong reviewed and edited those and other videos and dispatched them to MBC in South Korea, where they became well-watched documentary profiles of Koreans (or people of Korean descent) who have achieved at the highest levels around the globe.
Cheong himself has achieved quite a bit in South Korea, where his parents still live. He is the author of Advanced Editing with Apple Final Cut Pro, South Korea’s first how-to book on the world’s top video editing software. In addition to teaching, Cheong is the college’s Education Coordinator for New Media and Digital Technology. He also delights in coordinating the TV Center’s renovation project, which involves replacing all Standard Definition (SD) facilities with High Definition (HD) ones. Cheong has done films that have been screened at important festivals, including the Cannes Short Film Corner (in 2009). He is especially proud of his “A World Within,” a documentary featuring Asian students at campuses throughout the CUNY (City University of New York) system. Colleagues note that Cheong smiles a lot.
— by Ron Howell
당신의 직업을 선택한 배경 및 계기?
책임감 있는 영상작업을 통해 서로가 배우고 배울수 있는 위치를 만들어 가려고한다.
자신만의 작업방식은?
혼자하는 개인적 작업보다는 여럿이 같이하는 공동작업이 결과가 극대화 된다고 믿기때문에 늘 같이할수있는 작품의 효율적 운영을 고민한다.
영감은 어디/무엇에서 받는지?
영상은 운전하면서 상상하고 앞뒤가 맞지않는 설정을 조합해서 결과를 편집한다.
창작인으로서 가장 중요하다고 생각하는 것
공동 작업과정에서 나타나는 예술인의 창작능력은 이타적인 마음가짐을 바탕으로 적재적소에 위치될때 더욱 빛을 발한다고 믿기때문에 자신이 위치할곳을 정확히 알고 서로 도울수있는 능력이 요구된다.
창작인으로서의 목표
역지사지, 서로가 서로를 이해할수 있는 분석된 결과물을 통해 다같이 즐거워할수 있는 사회에 한 부분이 되었으면 한다.